Saturday, November 21, 2009

Physicians speak out more about healthcare reform

Texas and US government compete with me to provide medical care. This restricts reform. It's competition that takes out the extra weight. Here are some of the concepts being discussed by "Million Med Marchers", a conservative group of doctors and patients who want the government our of medicine:

1. Make insurance portable across state lines.

2. Make insurance subject to the same anti-trust limitations as all other businesses. Repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945 (isn't that about when the trouble began?)

3. Encourage government and corporations to offer a choice of insurance. In Texas, all state employees have one choice: Blue Cross Blue Shield. BCBS has 1/3 of the Texas healthcare insurance market. BCBS owns the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, the Texas Medical Association, and the Texas Medical Board. Nice and tidy, isn't it? When one carrier begins to dominate the market, the docs are for sale.

4. Give small businesses and individuals the same tax credits as are available to large corporations.

5. Elected government officials should be offered the same plan, same restrictions, and same mandates as everyone else.

6. Listen to healthcare workers who are whistleblowers. We are telling you where the problems are, but you won't listen.

7. Healthcare licensing boards around the country are for sale. They do not generally serve the public need and are compromised by conflicts of interest. Contrary to what is commonly thought, medical boards are not dominated by the AMA. The AMA is dying and does not represent the views of the majority of physicians. It is rife with conflicts of interest. This is not good for healthcare. In Texas, the Texas Medical Board protects bad doctors and harasses conscientious doctors who blow the whistle.

8. High deductible health plans.

9. Health Savings Accounts UN-tethered to health insurance companies.

10. Medicaid abuse and Social Security Disability abuse overwhelm us now. With Obamacare, everything will be either Medicaid, Medicare, or VA. It's going to bankrupt us. Medicaid consumes over 25% of the Texas state budget. In Tennessee, it's 40%. What is it in your state?

Do you hear Obama making any of these suggestions? If not, could it be that he really doesn't want private healthcare to survive?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A physician friend of mine is concerned about the next pandemic:

Here is her story:

"I went to a dinner party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol.

I awoke this morning not feeling well, with what could be described as flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, etc.

From the results of some initial testing, I have unfortunately tested positive for what experts are now calling Wine Flu.

This debilitating condition is very serious - and it appears this is not an isolated case.

Reports are flooding in from all around the country of others diagnosed with Wine Flu. To anyone that starts to exhibit the aforementioned tell-tale signs, experts are recommending a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down.

However, should your condition worsen, you should immediately rent a DVD and take some Advil . Others are reporting a McDonald's Happy Meal can also help in some cases. If not, then further application of the original liquid, in similar quantities to the original dose, has been shown to do the trick.

Wine Flu does not need to be life threatening and, if treated early, can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period.

If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that it has mutated into Whine Flu. This is particularly common in men and can quickly spread to their partners where the symptoms are detected as a serious case of eye-rolling."